Night 2

Last night was the first night that Max was not sleeping in his bed, and it was scary and sad and lonely and weird. How amazing it is that once you have children, it really is difficult to imagine your life before them. I got home late with the baby, fed him, got him to sleep, watched the “Six month later” reunion of “Married at First Sight,” a reality series in which three couples are matched up by professionals and then get married before ever meeting one another, drank a glass of wine, took a much needed shower, paced around the house for a bit while teary-eyed, felt a pain on my chest when I looked at Max’s empty bed, read over the documentation provided by the nurse on Max’s conditions, wrote a mini slightly buzzed blog entry and the passed out around 1:30 am or so. How’s that for a runonandonandon sentence?

So it’s about 3:15 in the afternoon, and it looks like Max will be here until at least tomorrow. The good news is that the doctors have pretty much ruled out a UTI. It appears that the fever and abdominal pain were both caused by the pneumonia in the lower lobe of his lung. I have been with Max for a few hours, and it is clear that he is feeling better. He is fussy and keeps asking to get out of bed. He hates the IV, but he has not tried to rip it out, which is pretty amazing.

I hope he can come home tomorrow. The doctors want to do another chest X-Ray and check his levels tomorrow to see if the infection is clearing up. Tonight I will concentrate on cleaning the sheets and getting the house ready for the return of my husband and son. I did tell Brad, my husband, that the silver lining is that I have missed him as well. He has been really great this week, taking care of his boy. I feel like half of me is missing.

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